Last-minute exam preparation and building confidence

The video is about last-minute exam preparation and building confidence for students. It is presented by Claire, a teacher trainer and author of Cambridge publications.

The video is divided into two main parts. In the first part, Claire discusses the different resources available on the Cambridge Exam Preparation Journey Hub, a new online resource for teachers. This Hub offers various materials, including articles from teacher trainers and authors, blogs, and key resources related to Cambridge exams. The materials are categorized into 10 packs, which cover different stages of the exam preparation journey, starting from the beginning of the school year to results day.

In the second part of the video, Claire focuses on two specific packs from the Hub that are most relevant to last-minute exam preparation: pack eight and pack nine. Pack eight covers building confidence for exam day. Activities recommended in this pack include discussions about common student questions and practicing presentations. Pack nine focuses on exam day readiness and giving students positive reinforcement. Here, Claire suggests activities such as concept circles and tic-tac-toe to review grammar.

Overall, the video provides teachers with tips and resources to help their students feel prepared and confident on exam day.

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