This video is about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). The speaker, Carl, a TEFL teacher trainer and examiner, discusses various applications of AI and shares his thoughts on whether AI will replace human teachers.

Here are some key points from the video:

  • AI can be used to grade exams. For instance, Duolingo English test is graded through AI.
  • AI can be used by teachers to assess students’ work. Some teachers use chatbots to grade essays.
  • AI can be used to create materials for language learning, such as syllabuses, lesson plans, reading texts, and activities.
  • There are concerns that students might misuse AI for writing assignments.

Carl also mentioned that AI is a great tool to use by new teachers as it can help them with creating syllabuses and lesson plans. However, he believes that AI cannot replace human teachers because it cannot tailor lessons to individual students and cannot effectively correct errors or answer unexpected questions.

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