ESP: Teaching English for Academic Purposes Through Projects

In this video, Joyce Vieira is presenting a talk about ways to use projects for teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP). She begins by sharing some common misconceptions about EAP teaching and then goes on to discuss the benefits of using projects in the EAP classroom. Some of the benefits she highlights include the fact that projects can help students to develop their academic literacy skills, their language skills, and their ability to collaborate with others. She also argues that projects can be more engaging and motivating for students than traditional teaching methods.

Vieira then goes on to describe a project that she has used in her own EAP classes. The project involved having students research and write an abstract for a scientific paper. She explains how the project helped students to develop their understanding of abstracts, their ability to identify key information, and their ability to write clearly and concisely.

Finally, Vieira concludes her talk by emphasizing the importance of using projects in the EAP classroom. She argues that projects can be an effective way to help students develop the skills they need to succeed in academic settings.

This video was presented by Trinity College London on July 9, 2024.

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