Social Emotional Learning: Connections for Success in the English Language Classroom and Beyond

The video is about Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). It discusses what SEL is and how it can be implemented in the classroom.

The speaker mentions that SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes to develop healthy identities, to manage emotions, to achieve personal and collective goals, to feel and show empathy for others, to establish and maintain supportive relationships and to make responsible and caring decisions.

The speaker also details the five key areas that make up Social and Emotional Learning:

  • Self-awareness: This is about understanding yourself well enough to understand other people.
  • Self-management: This is about being able to identify your emotions and then being able to manage those emotions.
  • Social awareness: This is about understanding the perspectives of others and empathizing with others.
  • Relationship skills: This is about how you get along with other people and how you get on in society.
  • Responsible decision-making: This is about thinking about the impact that our actions have on other people.

The speaker also talks about how SEL can be implemented in the classroom. She mentions that teachers can use real-life topics to connect with the students and make them see themselves in the situations. This will help the students to be more eager to talk about it, interact and participate.

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